Wreckage of EgyptAir plane ‘spotted’ in Mediterranean

Parts of plane, which crashed in May on way to Cairo from Paris, scattered at ‘several’ locations

Egypt says it has spotted the wreckage of the EgyptAir plane that crashed into the Mediterranean last month, killing all 66 people on board.

The committee investigating the crash said in a statement that a vessel contracted by the Egyptian government to join the search efforts for the data recorders and the wreckage of the doomed A320 “had identified several main locations of the wreckage — accordingly the first images of the wreckage were provided to the investigation committee”.

Based on the locations, the search team and investigators onboard the vessel will draw a map for the wreckage distribution spots, it added.

The plane disappeared from radar en route to Cairo from Paris. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack.


The flight data recorders from the jet were expected to stop emitting signals on June 24th.

Without the “black boxes”, investigators say there is not enough information to explain why flight MS804 crashed on May 19th.