Taoiseach pays tribute to ‘great national effort’ in adhering to Covid-19 restrictions

Micheál Martin particularly commends young people who are ‘missing out on a lot’

Taoiseach Micheál Martin has commended the public for adhering to the enhanced Covid-19 restrictions, adding that he particularly wants to pay tribute to young people who are “missing out on a lot”.

Under Level 5 restrictions, which are in place until December 1st, people are asked to stay at home as much as possible, with the exception of essential reasons such as work, caring for family or exercising within 5km of home.

After reaching mid-point in the restrictions, Mr Martin said he wanted to "pay tribute to the great national effort" that is under way to suppress the virus and reduce the rate of transmission.

Hospital Report

"The data that we are seeing suggests that the effort is working, and that we are one of the leaders in Europe in terms of our progress in pushing back the virus," he said.


“However, we cannot take anything for granted and we must continue to adhere to the restrictions for the next three weeks.”

He added that the country must “see this through”.

“By continuing to drive down the incidence of the disease, we give ourselves the best chance to reopen parts of our society and to enjoy a meaningful Christmas.”

The Taoiseach said the fact that the State managed to reduce the spread of the virus, while keeping schools and construction open, is “testament to the tremendous efforts” of the individuals in those sectors and the “sacrifice and discipline of everyone else”.

“Our frontline workers continue to be an inspiration in terms of their courage and commitment,” he added.

“I would like to pay particular tribute to our young people for the successful suppression of the virus among their age groups. They are missing out on a lot, but their time will come and they should take great pride in the effort they are making to protect the more vulnerable in our society.”

Mr Martin added that he is “acutely conscious” of how difficult the situation is, and is aware of the “very heavy price” some sectors are paying.

“ However, I also know that the effort we are making now, together as a nation, is saving lives and will allow us to reopen our society and our economy safely and sustainably into the future.”

Shauna Bowers

Shauna Bowers

Shauna Bowers is Health Correspondent of The Irish Times