Youth (17) pleads guilty to attempted hijacking of taxi in Dublin

Court told taxi driver blacked out when he was ‘choked’ by someone in rear seat of vehicle

A youth has pleaded guilty to taking part in an attempted hijacking of a taxi, the driver of which suffered a blackout when he was chocked during the incident involving a number of youngsters in Dublin city centre.

The 17-year-old boy, who cannot be named because he is a minor, appeared at the Dublin Children’s Court on Monday.

He pleaded guilty to robbery and intimidating the driver so he could unlawfully exercise control over his car, at Swift Alley on December 4th, 2017.

The teenager “gave no reply” when he was charged, Det Garda Sarah Keogh told the court.


She said it was alleged the boy was with two other youths and flagged the taxi down at Harcourt Street.

They directed the driver to Swift Alley where he was punched a number of times.

It was alleged the boy sat in the rear passenger seat with another youth.

The court heard the taxi man was “choked from behind by a rear seat passenger until he blacked out”.

When he came around he managed to get out of the car.

The taxi driver was then locked outside. However, it was a keyless car and those inside could not get it moving.

It was alleged a phone, cash and a dash-cam were taken from the car and the teen and two accomplices fled.

Defence solicitor Brian Keenan said it was not alleged the teenager before the court was the person who choked the driver.

The boy, who was accompanied to court by his mother, was remanded on continuing bail.

A second youth is also before the court on connected charges.

Judge David McHugh adjourned sentencing of the boy so a probation report could be prepared.