Spy Hunter

12 cert, Warner Bros Games, PS Vita (also Nintendo 3DS) ***

12 cert, Warner Bros Games, PS Vita (also Nintendo 3DS) ***

Here’s a good idea for a reboot. Released in 1983, Spy Hunter was a stirring blend of racer and shoot-’em-up. The game was even remade in 2006 as a forgotten tie-in to an ill-fated (and still unmade) Hollywood movie.

The new Spy Hunter still follows The Agent in his gadget-filled, Bond-inspired, amphibious sports car as he avoids and kills malevolent vehicles – from choppers, to armoured cars to monster trucks. The snazzy Peter Gun theme remains. Your car’s weapons include mines, machine guns and heat-seeking missiles, and most of the time you’re negotiating high-speed traffic while aiming simultaneously.

There’s a perfunctory videogame plot involving terrorism and a mysterious villain, but you’re best-off focusing on the frantic, fun game-play. Despite its upgrades, Spy Hunter still feels a little dated – the graphics don’t fully exploit today’s hand-held machines and there are moments where it could be more precise. But it still remains a great idea and a lively, playable caper.