My Fitness Coach: Dance Workout

GAME REVIEW: 7 cert, Ubisoft, Wii ***

GAME REVIEW:7 cert, Ubisoft, Wii ***

It was inevitable that, given the success of dance games on consoles, a dedicated fitness version would emerge. My Fitness Coach: Dance Workoutdoes exactly what it says on the tin, covering everything from salsa and samba to card kickboxing (not a dance style as such, but a good addition for cardio training). In case you get bored with the merengue, there are some mini-games, including swordfighting, rodeo, karate and canoeing. As always, you can enlist the help of a virtual trainer or go it alone. The game tracks your progress and even lets you know how much work you've done towards a specific goal – earning a particular food, for example. It also uses the balance board. Dance Workoutis fighting for space in what is fast becoming a crowded area, but it's a good compromise between fun dance titles and the more intense workout games.