Metal Gear Solid HD Collection

**** 18 cert, Konami, Xbox 360 (also PS3)

**** 18 cert, Konami, Xbox 360 (also PS3)

The Metal Gear Solidfranchise is a gift. It has given us innovation, sophistication, depth and a huge positive influence ( Hitman, Deus Exet al may not have existed without MGS), but the games have sometimes got bogged down in plot exposition and needless complication. This package includes three from the series, in chronological order. So MGS3 (set during the cold war) is first, followed by MGS2(which sees Snake engage in philanthropic private security) and my favourite, MGS Peace Walker, which first appeared on PSP and is the most user-friendly. They've aged well, with slick visuals, complex narratives and even more complex gameplay. Stealth is paramount, as you spend much of the game avoiding guards and sneaking into and out of enemy territory. There's the occasional gunfight and fisticuffs, and weapons and combat are satisfyingly varied. Be warned though: some gamers will baulk at the patience required during stealth and at the extensive menus, not least when you have to suture and disinfect your own wounds in MGS3.