Kid Icarus: Uprising

12 cert, Project Sora/ Nintendo, Nintendo 3DS ****

12 cert, Project Sora/ Nintendo, Nintendo 3DS ****

Welcome back, Kid. In the years since Kid Icarus last appeared in the 1990s, we might have forgotten how peculiar this weird mix of Greek mythology and sci-fi is. The games feature a winged adolescent fighting strange adversaries. This version is a flighty third -person shooter. Depending on the level, Icarus glides through the air to fire arrows at flying foes, or sprints through the streets to fight in closer quarters. It’s mischievous in tone and resembles a Saturday morning cartoon more than a game. Some have complained about its complex control system, but I found it worked perfectly: Your left thumb moves the character, your left index fires, and you aim with the DS stylus. It’s generous with video tutorials as well. Following Starfox and Zelda, this is another lovingly assembled Nintendo 3DS reboot, frantic, fun and colourful.