Joe Danger Touch

9+, Hello Games, iOS ****

9+, Hello Games, iOS ****

Joe Danger makes his daredevil debut on the iPhone and iPod in this spin-off from the PlayStation Network game. This isn’t a simple port, however. Joe Danger Touch is designed from the ground up to work the best it can on iOS without losing the appeal of the original. The side-scrolling game throws numerous obstacles in your path as you navigate the course, performing stunts and pulling off combos to increase your score. Muddy puddles, sharks and barriers must be avoided as Joe’s bike rumbles continuously forward. Controls are easy to pick up and before long you’ll simply tap and swipe as if you’ve been doing it for years. The bike moves by itself, so you’re free to concentrate on the steering. The controls have been designed with the touch platform in mind, so it all feels natural. There’s great motivation to keep trying for the elusive perfect score on every level, and there are 50 to work through. And the game looks great too. It’s as much fun as the console game, but just a little more mobile.