Facebook Messenger

4 cert, Facebook Inc, iOS (also Android) ****

4 cert, Facebook Inc, iOS (also Android) ****

Instant messaging can be tricky. There’s no point in having an app that limits you to certain platforms (such as BBM or the forthcoming iOS messenger, for example) if the people you want to chat with are all using different systems. A few apps have bridged that gap, and Facebook wants in on the deal. It has unveiled a new standalone Messenger app that allows you to chat with others on Facebook or others with the Messenger app installed. Your contacts list is automatically updated when you log in, so your available friends list is always up to date. But why have a messenger app when you can use the chat screen on the regular mobile application? The Messenger app allows you to group chat, for a start. Also, you can turn off notifications for chat – for an hour or until after 8am. You can also add location information to your chats, should you feel so inclined. There are some minor omissions; not allowing you to see who is online is a bit of a flaw. It’ll be interesting to see what else Facebook adds to this app. Definitely worth keeping an eye on.