Anarchy Rush Hour

12 cert, Gaijin, PSN ***

12 cert, Gaijin, PSN ***

What do you look for in a racing game? This writer likes efficiency and some originality. While Anarchy Rush Houris a little rough around the edges, it's a nifty little racer. The tutorial is tantalising, with your car making back and front flips, pirouetting over oncoming vehicles. Sometimes you're returning a hot car to a shady dealer for cash, sometimes you're pursuing someone who owes you money, and sometimes you're assigned to ram cars until they're junk.

With a little buffing, Anarchy might have been a sleeker machine: the cars drift a little too easily, the screen is too busy and cluttered with information, and the graphics are only marginally better than a good-looking PS2 game. Still, the races are enjoyably momentous, with nice and simple controls. Minor issues notwithstanding, there’s enough variety and good gameplay to make this an engaging title.