Former Department of Justice official pleads guilty to possessing child-abuse material

Man pleads guilty to possessing two indecent videos and two indecent images of children at his home

A former Department of Justice press officer has pleaded guilty in Dublin Circuit Criminal Court to possessing child-abuse material in the form of two videos and two images.

Niall Colgan (39) of Muckross Park, Perrystown, Dublin 12, appeared in court on Monday where he pleaded guilty to one count.

He pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography in the form of two indecent videos and two indecent images of children at his home address on February 1st, 2022.

Senior counsel Ronan Kennedy, defending, asked for a period of time to allow for the preparation of a report.


Judge Martin Nolan set a sentence date of May 7th, when the full facts will be heard.

Colgan previously worked in the press office of the Department of Justice.

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