NTMA 'ready' to return to markets

The National Treasury Management Agency has said it's "ready" to issue so-called annuity bonds, new securities aimed at domestic…

The National Treasury Management Agency has said it's "ready" to issue so-called annuity bonds, new securities aimed at domestic pension funds, in what would represent a return to credit markets after the 2010 EU-IMF bailout.

"The NTMA is not prescriptive about any particular term for these bonds but based on industry needs it anticipates that they will be for a range of maturities of up to 35 years," the NTMA said in an e-mail response to questions.

"The NTMA is ready to issue these bonds subject to market demand and subject to yield."

"Amortising bonds may be issued at a price determined by the NTMA or may be auctioned in the same manner as normal bond auctions and a decision on this will be made at the time of issuance," the agency said.

- Bloomberg