If Not For You to strike in Killarney McSweeney chase

Seventh Sign could take advantage of weight concession from Warne

Killarney's €40,000 feature provides If Not For You with a new stamina test that could give the JP McManus-owned horse a decisive edge.

If Not For You is one of 13 in the McSweeney Killarney national chase and the former point-to-point winner tackles his longest racecourse test yet at a track over which he won a bumper.

His jumping let him down at Tipperary last time but he should strip sharper for that and ground conditions should not be a problem.

Meanwhile, a lot of Seventh Sign's form is on good ground but he has also done well on soft and Finny Maguire's mount gets a significant weight concession from Warne in the hunters chase.

Brian O'Connor

Brian O'Connor

Brian O'Connor is the racing correspondent of The Irish Times. He also writes the Tipping Point column