IMPACT urged to halt strike

The Minister for Finance has urged IMPACT members to call off their industrial action in support of four members who have been…

The Minister for Finance has urged IMPACT members to call off their industrial action in support of four members who have been suspended at the Ordnance Survey since February 1997.

A one-day stoppage took place on Monday. Staff have also withdrawn co-operation from management and have been "working to grade". The Minister of State for Finance, Mr Martin Cullen, said the officials were suspended following an internal audit that brought to light "certain irregularities in the handling of cash and cheques in the organisation".

Charges were brought against five officials. One pleaded guilty in the District Court in January 1999. The remaining cases were before the courts earlier this year and two were dismissed on the direction of the judge. The DPP entered a plea of nolle prosequi in the remaining two cases.

Three of the officials challenged the validity of their suspensions in the civil courts but the Supreme Court found in favour of Ordnance Survey Ireland.