Hayes leads the charge in outing FG shortcomings

THERE’S A feeling of deja vu about the latest rumblings from Fine Gael backbenchers.

THERE’S A feeling of deja vu about the latest rumblings from Fine Gael backbenchers.

Complaints about poor communications, haughty Ministers, neglected deputies and a growing disconnect with the public were put to the Taoiseach at this week’s parliamentary party meeting.

Former party chairman Tom Hayes led the charge. He’s not a member of the hot air brigade and surprised the room with his long and impassioned speech on the problems within the party. He said Fine Gael needed to be careful because it was in danger of losing touch with the people who elected it. There was a sense of frustration among the backbenchers who deal with the public.

Middle Ireland was in pain, he told Enda.


Deputy Hayes said the party could crash the way Fianna Fáil did and reckoned they might not be doing as well as they thought with the public. Prescient words, as it turned out, in the wake of our opinion poll results yesterday.

He had a lot of support. Minister for Finance Michael Noonan later calmed backbenchers, acknowledging there was merit in what Hayes said and indicating the leadership would work to improve the situation. Charlie Flanagan was in the chair on Wednesday night. But for how much longer will he remain as chairman? Flanagan is a wily operator, but his tendency to reckless tweets and off-message comments has irritated a number of colleagues.

He’s going to have a battle on his hands if he wants to retain the job. A date has still to be set for the parliamentary party’s agm, but the knives may be out for Charlie. Deputy chairman Simon Harris might fancy a tilt at the title, while serial Dáil heckler Jerry “Butsy” Buttimer is also said to be interested.