My holidays

Liz Ryan, author

Liz Ryan, author

What’s your earliest holiday memory?

A holiday to Achill Island with my mother and brother when I was six. We kids were terrified by the rams in the fields and my brother bit a glass (without being injured) and he told off a priest for swearing: “Only my daddy is allowed to say bloody!”

Sadly, Dad had to stay in Dublin to work. I only understood much later that the the trip was to help our mother recover from the death of our baby sister, Claire.


What was your worst holiday?

They have included Holland (dull as dishwater), Turkey (scruffy and tacky) and Spain (it always seems to rain). I didn’t much care for French Vendée out of season because, as much as I adore France, I don’t think it does as much as it could to charm its tourists.

What was your best holiday?

When I was 17, I visited a pen pal in New Jersey who was a lifeguard. I learned to swim, discovered pizza, ice-cream and boys. My friend learned to drive, so we visited New York and Fire Island and had a ball.

I keep going back to Greece. I fell in love with the white light, turquoise water, friendly people, boat trips and happy sunny atmosphere. I’ve been to dozens of Greek islands and loved them all.

If budget or work were not a restriction, what would be your dream holiday?

A dose of luxury in Thailand, with massages, gorgeous food, beaches and that lovely smile.

If you had your pick, who would you bring on holiday?

The charming, interesting, witty, delightful man I’ve yet to meet! Holidays should be about romance and shared experiences to make into treasured memories.

Favourite places in Ireland?

Clare and west Cork. I often visit Donegal with a friend who has a cottage near Malin Head. I’d really enjoy a course at any of the Irish cookery schools.

Your recommended holiday reading?

I've been meaning to read A Suitable Boyby Vikram Seth for years, it sits on my shelves and wags its finger reproachfully every time I look at it. You can't go wrong with anything by Joseph O'Connor, Mary Lavin, Anna Gavalda or Muriel Barbery.

Where will you go to next?

Italy’s Adriatic coast. Italy always seems to involve some sort of operatic drama, but this time I’m praying for peace and quiet as I have a bit of crucial thinking to do: life has been throwing up a lot of conundrums lately.

  • Liz Ryan's memoir is French Leave: An Irishwoman's Adventures in Normandy, Liberties Press €14.99
  • In conversation with GENEVIEVE CARBERY