Go Gadgets

ADAM HARVEY rounds up the latest travel gadgets

ADAM HARVEYrounds up the latest travel gadgets

** Here’s one for hungry hobbits who are in need of a second breakfast but can’t spare the time to unpack their provisions. The Light My Fire meal-kit harness (€5.95, www.lightmyfire.se) will attach the company’s handy triangular meal kit (€22.95 from most major outdoor retailers), containing plates, cup, Spork, colander and cutting board, to the side of a pack while holding the lid on tightly, so it’s at hand whenever there’s a moment to spare.

** Toothless they may be, but the smallest members of any family are not to be trifled with at mealtimes. Avoid unwinnable confrontations by preparing food instantly with the Wean Machine (€22, www.babytravelshop.ie). Puree reasonably soft food, such as fruit and cooked vegetables, by placing it in the machine’s cup and squeezing the handles together. Sure, a bowl, fork and elbow grease will do the same job, but this is neater and leaves less clearing up.

** The Joby Gorillapod is a camera tripod built from dozens of articulated ball-and-socket joints that can be twisted and contorted to balance on almost any wonky surface, or wrapped around the nearest slim vertical object, such as a street sign or tree trunk (€30, www.joby.com). The model for SLR cameras is light (800g), and the latest version has a spirit level to keep self-timed images looking reasonably straight.