Then & now Derek Redmond, athlete

AS THE 2012 Olympics get under way in London, athletes will be focusing their minds on finishing first

AS THE 2012 Olympics get under way in London, athletes will be focusing their minds on finishing first. One of the most inspiring moments in Olympics history, however, was provided by a runner who finished last.

At the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona, Derek Redmond was tipped to win for England in the men’s 400 metres. He had powered through the heats – all he had to do was keep up his form and gold medal glory would be within his reach.

But then, just 150 metres into the semi-final race, Redmond heard a sickening snap as his hamstring gave way. He fell to his knees in agony, but when the medics rushed over to help him, he waved them away and got back up on his feet, determined to finish the race.

As Redmond hobbled down the track, his father and trainer, Jim Redmond, pushed past security and ran to help his stricken son. As a tearful Redmond limped over the finishing line, supported by his father, the entire stadium rose in a standing ovation. Watch the footage of the moment 20 years later and you can feel the hairs on the back of your neck rise up.


Who won the race? Few can recall. But Redmond’s last-place finish is often voted one of the top Olympic moments, capturing the spirit of sporting endeavour and courage.

After Barcelona, he had to accept that his track career was over, but he never lost his determination.

He went on to compete for England in basketball and he almost made the England sevens rugby squad. He also won Celebrity Gladiator on the TV and has recently begun endurance motorbike racing, entering his own team in this year’s British Superbikes event.

But his biggest success of recent times has been on the speaker’s podium, where he gives motivational talks. “I focus on overcoming external setbacks, the importance of teamwork, goal-setting, having the confidence in yourself if things go wrong . . .”

He has two children from his first marriage to Olympic swimmer Sharron Davies. Earlier this month, he and his second wife, Maria Yates, attended the London premiere of the remastered running classic Chariots of Fire.

He has been in demand for talks and guest appearances in the run-up to the Olympics – and his dad is in demand, too. Jim Redmond was one of the torch-bearers for this year’s Olympics, watched by his proud – and grateful – son.