Savage craic in Smithfield as Hardy Bucks hit the screen

THE SOCIAL NETWORK: Overheard at the premiere of The Hardy Bucks Movie on Monday: “Let’s sit where there’s some savage craic…

THE SOCIAL NETWORK:Overheard at the premiere of The Hardy Bucks Movie on Monday: "Let's sit where there's some savage craic," which captured perfectly the tone of the evening. Already being publicised as "the Irish Hangover", the movie may also be the first to come from YouTube via television to the big screen.

The cast of the RTÉ series attended the premiere at the Light House cinema, in Smithfield.

It was hard to know if the Hardy Bucks were in character, with Chris Tordoff (the Viper) wearing his character’s signature glasses and Tom Kilgallon (Boo) answering inquiries about how the film will travel with, “Well, we hope to make it as far as Mullingar at least.”

A big Liverpool contingent turned up to support the film’s writer-director-producer, Mike Cockayne, whose production company is based in the city.


Maria O’Shea and Lynne Shields wore floor-length Mark Melia dresses.