From Moira to Dad: “ I don’t really need a photo to remember you, I have all the little snapshots in my head”

Moira Curran

Dear Dad,

It's been a long time since we spoke. Nearly eight years . I want to thank you for being such a loving father for all the great childhood memories I have. Days when you took the family to the beach and let me go swimming even if it was raining, You bought me my first swimsuit, it was floral with a little skirt. You got me my first tennis racquet, I was so happy practicing against the gable of our house.

You gave me a love of nature and wildlife, and paid for me to learn the violin even though I was no Nigel Kennedy. You were always in good humour and used to buy oranges for us in the little shop up the road. Dad you understood me and I loved hearing your stories of your childhood in Gortahork. I don’t really need a photo to remember you, I have all the little snapshots in my head. I am not sure I ever told you I loved you to bits but its not too late.

You died in October 2005 and I still miss you so much. When I look at my hands I am happy as I have your hands .

All my love
