This week in the garden: check dahila and sweet pea for sings of damage

If you've stored dahlia tubers under cover for replanting this coming spring, then it's always a good idea to check them every once in a while to make sure that they haven't started to dry out or to rot. Remember that tubers stored uncovered in a glasshouse or polytunnel are very vulnerable to extremes of temperature even at this time of year, and are better moved to a cool but frost-free shed.

Similarly, if you sowed sweet pea recently, then check for signs of damage from rodents, which will often sneak into a glasshouse or polytunnel at this time of year in search of cover as well as a tasty snack. One of the most effective ways to protect young sweet pea seedlings from such damage is to carefully net them, using fine gauge netting tautly suspended on wire/plastic hoops. Using a sharp secateurs, cut old foliage away from hellebore plants to allow flowers and new foliage to emerge more easily and to prevent the possible spread of foliar diseases.


Saturday, February 6th: Snowdrop Gala & Other Spring Treasures, 9.30am-5pm, with guest speakers Colin Crosbie (former Curator of RHS Garden Wisley in the UK) and Jennifer Harner (garden historian), at Ballykealey Manor Hotel, Ballykealey, Ballon, Co Carlow.


Tickets €70 if booked before January 30th; cost includes lectures, lunch and guided tour of Altamont. To book contact Hester Forde 086-8654972; or Robert Miller 087-9822135;