Health tip of the day: take a ten-minute walk

A brisk walk will help beat the afternoon slump

We’re all busy and no one has a minute to spare. In fact, we don’t even have a second to spare, if the task in question is exercise we’re avoiding doing.

The reality is everyone has ten minutes somewhere in their day, probably particularly around the 3pm slump when you make a cup of tea or coffee and reach for a less-than-healthy snack. You mightn’t forego those every day, but swapping them out for a ten-minute walk around the block will rev you up for the last few hours of the work day.

A study in Personality and Social Psychology found a brisk ten-minute walk raises your energy faster and for longer (up to two hours) than sweets or snacks. Walking is said to be a great outlet, so you might find yourself less tense and more productive after it. Plus, according to Livestrong, a ten minute brisk walk burns off 50 calories, as an added bonus.