Beerista: Here’s to the responsible drinker this Christmas

Craft beer is not about getting drunk, it’s a way to savour something well made

One of the reasons that I love craft beer is that it encourages a more appreciative approach to drinking. Trying something new or a little different demands your attention, even if it’s only for a moment, and raises small curiosities about who made it, or what flavours you’re getting.

From where I see it, craft beer is less about slamming pints and getting drunk, and more about enjoying something well made.

Unlike mainstream beers made by massive corporations, with craft beer there’s an emphasis on origin and the process that goes into its production, and many off-licences or pubs now regularly host meet-the-brewer evenings, with tastings or food pairing events.

There are so many beers on offer now – from lighter session ales to hoppy double IPAs and imperial stouts – and the best of them, I believe, lend themselves to a slower, more considered type of drinking.


However, we don’t really see ourselves, in this country, as responsible drinkers. In fact, our entire discourse on the issue usually centres on the problem with alcohol dependency.

Nice glass

And while this is a very serious issue – and one that cannot be ignored – there are many people who do not over-indulge or have addictions. Figures show that alcohol consumption in Ireland has been steadily declining since it peaked in 2001.

It’s complicated, of course, our relationship with drink. Though it seems the broader view, which encompasses all of the ways that we consume it, is often lost, making it impossible to honestly discuss the role of alcohol in our society.

There are definitely better ways to drink. And a quality, locally made beer is one way to go about it. So slowly take your time, pour a good beer into a nice glass, and find a quiet spot to enjoy it at the end of a long and rather strange year on this planet.

Happy Christmas.
