Young Thor

7 cert, Frima Studio, PSN, PSP

7 cert, Frima Studio, PSN, PSP

Young Thorfeels is like a cross between ancient mythology and Muppet Babies.Following some terribly clunky exposition, it reveals itself to be an old-fashioned side-scrolling, platform/action game. The little tyke, wielding a mallet about the size of his body, fights his way through imaginative backdrops, including Viking ships, spider-infested caves and solid rainbow bridges. Combat methods mostly involve bonking enemies on the head, but you can also fire lightning from the hammer and (gratifyingly) wallop the ground to create a sonic boom. The villains are standard mythological fare – ogres and giant spiders and the like. Young Thorcould certainly be more challenging and varied, but it is a pleasurable, low-budget minigame, with accessible gameplay and appealing graphics.