World of warcraft/ Cataclysm

Blizzard Entertainment PC/Mac, Rating 12 *****

Blizzard Entertainment PC/Mac, Rating 12 *****

GAME OF THE WEEK:I was a bit of a late starter when it came to World of Warcraft– mainly for fear of that it would slowly absorb all my free time until life was what I fitted in around WoWsessions. And the predictions were partly true: yes, it is absorbing, but I havent descended into full hermit-hood just yet.

The latest expansion pack is Cataclysm. But to describe it as an expansion pack plays down the depth of the game. Catcalysmcompletely redesigns parts of the world, to the point where it feels like a new game. Essentially, it means that experienced players will get new high-level adventures, while those who are new to WoWwill get a redesigned levelling system. The altered world is explained in the plot, with the game picking up with the return of Deathwing the Destroyer, which triggers an event that reshapes the surrounding world.

There are two new races – goblins and worgens – bringing the number of playable races to 12. New dungeons, battle zones and three new raids have been added. Theres still the same satisfaction of building up your character, and this time around the level cap has been raised from 80 to 85.


But game is so vast, its easy to get lost, and for the complete beginner it can be a little daunting. Once you get over the initial fear, however, Cataclysmis just as absorbing as its predecessors, if not more. Prepare to become hopelessly addicted.