Robot Rescue 3D

Robot Rescue 3D
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Publisher: Teyon
Reviewed On: Nintendo 3DS
Cert: 3
Available On: Nintendo 3DS

Dim robots and terrible health and safety conditions are the key ingredients for Robot Rescue.

This game package is not a stand-alone sequel in the franchise, but it includes Robot Rescues 1 & 2 plus additional levels, all of them given a 3D spit and polish. This means that you get more than 100 levels for less than the price of a posh takeaway coffee. That's a steal.

The object of the games is to guide a group of robots through various mazes to safety. All of the robots move simultaneously, so while you might be nudging robot #1 to safety, robot #2 could be led into danger. If one robot dies, they all die, and it’s back to the start of the puzzle.

There are little tools (teleportation points, cloning machines), switches operated by walking on them, and obstacles (remotely locked doors, loose electric cables, conveyer belts). The levels are laid out in grid: You’ll be grateful for being able to see every step the robots take.


It’s not the fanciest game on the market (or even released this week), but it’s reasonably attractive and the obstacles and single-screen maze layouts are clear.

The robots themselves are the neatest design on the game – clumsy, endearing claptraps that are simultaneously ugly and cute. The 3D conversion doesn’t add much, but why carp? Most importantly, the puzzles are abundant, logical and clever.

Like the best brainteaser games, Robot Rescue rewards patience and lateral thinking and it's a gratifying feeling to conquer a seemingly insurmountable puzzle. The ideal game for a handheld device.