Ratchet & Clank: Qforce

7 cert, Sony, PS3, Vita ****

7 cert, Sony, PS3, Vita ****

I always have a soft spot for Ratchet Clank. If you’re looking for something that is pure fun, you can’t beat Isomniac’s duo. Qforce is no exception. It seems simple enough at first – tower defence that puts the Qforce base at the heart of it – but it’s not quite as easy as that. There are shields on each of the planets that need to be kicked into life.

In between the attacks on the base, your task is to find these defences and reactivate them. The task is made all the harder by a lack of weapons. To find some equipment to defend yourself against the enemies, you have to explore. It’s not your average Ratchet Clank title, that’s for sure. But it retains much of the feel of the duo’s adventures: it’s colourful, and the humour comes through in the cut scenes dotted through the game. If there’s any criticism, it’s that it’s too short. The game is lengthened somewhat by the multiplayer option, but it could have been expanded a little more.