Monster Dash

GAME REVIEW:  9 cert, Halfbrick Games, iPod (also iPad, iPod touch) ***

GAME REVIEW: 9 cert, Halfbrick Games, iPod (also iPad, iPod touch) ***

You've got to hand it to Halfbrick: they know how to make profoundly simple, utterly addictive games. Monster Dash echoes the success of Fruit Ninjaby reaching No 1 in numerous countries. Indeed, the fast- moving, side-scrolling game became the top-selling app in Australia, Germany, Greece, Russia and Peru, and it couldn't be more straightforward. You only have two controls: jump and shoot (your character runs in one direction automatically). Survival depends on shooting monsters and jumping at appropriate moments over spikes and canyons. Your score is rated in the metres you've travelled without dying and your enemies are the usual monsters: mummies, vampires, zombies and the like. As simple as its name, Monster Dashis one-note but compulsive, and it doesn't hurt that it's got charming, unfussy and colourful graphics. Expect to be playing this on your morning commute.