Kinect Adventures

GAME REVIEW: 3 cert, Microsoft, Xbox 360 (Kinect controls) ***

GAME REVIEW:3 cert, Microsoft, Xbox 360 (Kinect controls) ***

With its nice animation and cute animals, Kinect Adventuresis a indication of the demographic that Xbox is wooing with Kinect. This is a family's Christmas morning game – it even urges users to respect other players' space in multiplayer mode! Using one of the game's avatars (or one of your own, which is a nice touch), Kinect Adventureschallenges you to play a variety of controller-free events. Bat a ball with your hands on Rally Ball, step and jump to control your boat on rapids, and (my favourite) duck, jump and step your way around obstacles on a rollercoaster-style contraption. The gameplay is easy to learn and the two-player version allows for fast-paced teamwork. Kinect Adventuresis a pleasant workout, but there's not a huge variety of gameplay – which suggests that it may not be played much beyond Christmas morning.