Grease: The Game

GAME REVIEW: 3 cert, 505 Games Nintendo DS, DSi ***

GAME REVIEW:3 cert, 505 Games Nintendo DS, DSi ***

It must be the month for re-releasing old films in game format. If you haven't quite got over the game version of Top Gun, you should probably steer well clear of Greaseon the Nintendo DS. But Greasehas an appeal that's managed to last through two films, several stage shows and a couple of decades, so the game is starting off on a good footing. While the version for the Wii allows you to sing along with the tracks, the DS and DSi version is very different, relying instead on your rhythm skills. Players "dance" along to their favourite tunes, recreating some familiar movie moments. The story mode has 10 memorable songs and choreographed dance steps to follow. There are plenty of familiar faces too, with characters from the film including Danny, Sandy, Rizzo and Frenchie.