Batman: Arkham City

15 cert, Warner Bros/ Rocksteady, Xbox 360 (also PS3, PC) * * * *

15 cert, Warner Bros/ Rocksteady, Xbox 360 (also PS3, PC) * * * *

All political careers end in failure, as they say. So when Bruce Wayne campaigns for the closure of Gotham’s controversial prison, you know he’s got a fight in his hands. Sure enough, the billionaire bat-person gets dragged into a chaotic, violent misadventure, all put in motion by the Joker and friends.

Arkham City might be considered a retread of Arkham Asylum, right down to the inmates taking over the institution set-up, but it improves on the original, with greater scope and scale. The gameplay is elaborate, with combat, stealth, strategy and a dollop of detective work. A nightmarish art-deco epic, Arkham City is not only a rewarding game, but with a decent story and compelling characterisation, it does great justice to the Bat brand.